Saturday, September 10, 2011

Adel’s Grove 09-09-11


Canoeing today!  Tony has persuaded everyone except Susan to take the canoes up the river.  We are toIMG_4362 have an 8:00 AM start and meet at the front to travel to Lawn Hill.  Susan is strong and stands her ground – quite an achievement against the whirlwind that is Tony.

We set off, Dean, Peter, Greg and Tony are experts Michael and I are not.  We make it through the first gorge, land and drag our canoes approx 40 metres until the next launching point.IMG_4378 

Here we meet Susan, she has enjoyed a pleasant walk across the top of the gorge and has beaten us.  Hehe, then we have to get in, with help all went well.IMG_4377

Lanlan is terrified of the whole thing and decides to get out at the landing and walk back with Susan

The seasoned kayakers IMG_4382forge ahead and go through the rapids (only small ones) with ease.  Sigh, Michael and I keep getting washed onto the rocks.  Michael calls for help and we have Tony power to pull us through.  We have now been towed twice on this trip.  We all make it to the end of the second gorge and land on a small beach.

Greg, Tony, Peter, Michael and I go for a swim, surprising for such a large body of water, it is warm.IMG_4387

Dean and Karen get back 1/2 hour early and are given a refund (we were given 2 hours to complete the journey).  The others get back within the time but Michael and I do not and should have paid extra, however, the lovely Mick waives the fee since we were all having fun.IMG_4381IMG_4389 

During the trip Tony was sure that he saw a fresh water croc, we also saw a large turtle sunning itself on a rock.

Back to Adels grove for lunch and a lazy afternoon. IMG_4393

Later, John, Michael, Tony, Greg and I go fishing.  Not a lot of luck, a couple of very small ones that went back and… 6 turtles!!!!  Fortunately they did not swallow hooks and let go.  I was worried though, around about 5:30 they just kept on grabbing the bait.  I really didn’t want to hurt one, so I gave up.

John and Lanlan came down to the restaurant after tea to ask if they would put the football on TV.  The Answer NO!!  This apparently is against the owners wishes since everyone here is supposed to want to get away from all that.  Hmmm when I came in to type today, I see a notice on the board to come and join them for a rugby broadcast at lunchtime tomorrow.  Does this smack of bias to anyone?

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