Monday, September 26, 2011

Longreach - 24/09/11

Cadet Reporter:  Michael Gavin

Up at 6.00am and we awake to a foggy morning, which does not take long to burn off once the sun rises above the horizon.

Peter C and Tony go wandering and discover the remains of shallow diggings – sign indicated some gemstones.   Many trees in the hillside area had been blown over from a cyclone/hurricane that went through the district.

Eagle eye Tony located a  large flock of emus and mobs of kangaroos way off in the district…..without Michael’s binoculars many of these were just shadows or blurred images.   With binoculars Dot located some bustards as well.

We set off just before 8.00am and call in to the spectacular Porcupine Gorge formation – well worth the IMG_4854500m walk from the carpark .  Arrive at Hughenden for a morning tea break stop, about 11.00 am.  We have a chat with some very laconic locals.   This town is part of the Dinosaur Trail triangle.   Dot takes a picture of one of the displays.

Next stop is Winton [214k away] where we come across the Winton Matilda Festival – arrive just in time for a lunch order as the place stops serving at 2.00pm  After lunch have a quick walk around the exhibits , and then off to Longreach another 175 klm to cover.  Hopeful of getting in before dark to setup and look around.

Things went smoothly and making good time until approximately 70k out of Longreach.  Michael & Dot’s Toyota Prado start to surge and then loose power for the next 5 – 6 klm….Finally we came to a stand still……..a fuel problem as nothing was coming through even with vigorous priming……..yet our fuel gauge indicated nearly a quarter of tank of fuel left.   We concluded that there was a problem in transferring the fuel from the reserve tank….…….similar to exiting Cobourg Peninsular

The location did not have phone coverage, so Tony pulled out the Satellite phone and after a couple of failed attempts at contacting RACQ, he rang his daughter Rhoda [our daugher-in-law] with the details.  Rhoda organised a call to RACV and arranged a tow truck to come from Longreach and collect us.   While this was happening Peter C. went to Longreach to arrange accommodation and return with some diesel.

Time was filled in whilst waiting with a local farmer stopping to see if he could assist…if it was not for the modern electronics he may have been able to help.   Finally the Tray truck arrives and Doug and his offsider were very helpful and informative as Dot & Michael rode in the cabin on our way to Longreach.   On arrival in Longreach Peter C. has approx 10litres of diesel for us…we put this in and the car starts up immediately….a  quick short run shows no problems, so we decide to fill up and keep the take well above quarter full on our journey home to Melbourne.

Tent set-up in the dark and then off to the caravan park eatery for evening meal and a few beers…….ginger for Tony.   The evening is very balmy as we sit outside.

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