Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cobourg 27-08-11


Another day dawns hot!  Go for a walk along the beach and find a spider shell, had been wanting to find one since I first saw one that Tony found and gave to Karen.  Jill M has found a superb specimen, jealousy!

Tony finally catches a fish – a decent sized yellow tailed tuna, of course he is over the moon about it. 

One of the rangers tells us that as soon as the tourists leave, they are going to shoot all the banteng (and wild pigs).  There is a fence already built and all vermin within its boundary is to be shot.  The banteng are lovely animals (so I’m told – I still haven’t seen one).

Some problems are developing in our fridges, the cars have to be run to charge the second battery on which they run and since most of us are low on fuel this is not possible.  Greg’s fridge is having a battery issue, Michael notices that our fridge is now measuring 16 degrees.  Oh boy!  We are in trouble, go for a little run and hope when the fantastic Peter D turns up with a solar panel!!  Who would have thought it?  John (who has been kindly driving us around) now has a blinking light on his fridge indicating that it is not getting enough power.  The runs we have been making haven’t been sufficient to charge the battery.

Karen and Jill M are being bitten to death by the midges we have at night and have very itchy and swollen bites on their legs.  (the rest of us are being bitten, but are not having the reaction that they are).

There is not a lot for some of the women to do here.  We have a meeting with Tony and 6 cars will move on tomorrow instead of Tuesday.  Peter C Craig and Jill will stay with Tony and Jen.

Peter C takes Jill, Norbert, Susan, Peter D, Jill P, Michael and me on a walk to some swampland where there is a lagoon worth seeing.

Tony spies a croc sunning itself on the beach and we all rush down to see, unfortunately it caught a whiff of Peter C and Tony on the beach and glides into the sea.  I guess it is reassuring that it ran away from them.

Today tony wants to make bread in the fire and I agree to do it later in the afternoon when it is a little cooler.  Peter C agrees to light the fire for some nice hot coals (I thought that it might be a plan to lower the metal plates over the fireplace, build the fire under them, then put some coals on top rather than the traditional method).  Bread goes well, rises as it should, gets knocked back, rises again, fire has heaps of coals, put bread in the ‘oven’ and within minutes it is browning!  S….!  Grab the bread out of the oven and move it to and edge, starts smoking from the bottom, move it again, top is going very brown (this is a 1kg loaf and should take about 45 mins!  I look, it is already cinder on the bottom.  Norbert rotates it in the pan.  Have to take it off it!  May not be cooked in the middle, it really hasn’t had long enough.  Sigh.  Susan and Lanlan have volunteered to be kneaders if I should attempt it again.

It is now time to go to the monument rock for sunset, leaving the bread to cool.  It is lovely, the beach is covered in shells, the guys who went earlier (except poor Craig) have caught fish, the sunset is lovely, the temp is cooler, very pleasant indeed.  And…..the bread was edible.  Hooray!

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