Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 6 6-8-11 Up the Tanami


Today we started our trip up the Tanami Track.  We had bitumen for about 100 km, then corrugated gravel and sand.  We kicked up lots of dust and had to maintain a reasonable distance from each other.

We have been told that this section of the road is good and that the WA side is much worse.

It’s quite a learning curve for us, we discovered that there is a ‘sweet spot’, a speed fast enough so that we drove over the corrugations instead of up and down.  The sweet spot was 90 km/hr.

Tony and John were held up this morning with a fault in something that was installed (loss of power steering oil) in John’s car only 2 days ago, they had to wait until 9:00 to get any attention.  The rest of us started out.  We were getting fuel in Yendamu when they caught up with us.  Yendamu is an aboriginal settlement, travellers are only permitted to enter for fuel and supplies.  It was pretty awful, rubbish everywhere and so run down.  The diesel pump failed to work and we were a little worried, but the guy at the pumps took us to another place, I think the pumps were old, we worried about the state of the fuel but it seems Peters wheelOK.

Peter from Qld blew a tyre today, it was absolutely and symmetrically shredded.

Jill has been sick (vomiting), but is recovering, Peter thinks a combination of dehydration, heat and rough road.  It has been really hot, most of us sat in the shade and watched Tony and Michael rush about.

IMG_3700There were alcohol and pornography warnings on the road, no open bottles of alcohol and no pornography allowed, there was a bin placed under the sign to put it in.  Peter C stopped to look in the bin – it was empty.  He was disappointed Hehe.

Dean is sitting next to me Karen, he sends his love


The handwritten sign says – place porn here.

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