Monday, August 29, 2011

Cobourg Peninsula 25-08-11


Today started off with most of us sitting around wondering what to do today, fuel is a bit of an issue, we cannot buy any here and had no idea that we would have to drive so much to get anywhere.   We must, of course, have enough left to get back to Jabiru, about 300 kms.  We pool cars with those who have very large fuel tanks, Wanda, Greg, Peter D, Susan, Peter C, Jill P and Craig went on the Coast drive, a round trip of about 40 kms.  John offered to take Michael and me to the estuary to fish.  We left at 11 ish.

It was so pretty, the tide was going out so the fishing did not promise to be wonderful but the scenery more than made up for it.  Michael catches a fish within 10 mins.  We are all hopeful, the tide was not out far enough  to collect the hermit crabs so we relied on the oysters and cockles we had gathered yesterday. 

Sigh, no real luck, we can see the jolly things jumping out in the water, but they are not jumping onto our lines. Then John hooks one, quite a nice size, but it swam under a log and he lost it.  Oh dear.

John doesn’t have much luck today, got a massive strike on the line, nearly pulls his rod and chair into the water.  He grabs the rod and tries to let out the line, no good, the monster takes everything at very high speed.  He had no chance to land it.  We didn’t even get a sighting of it.

Peter D Susan, Greg, Wanda, Dean, Karen, Jill P, Peter C, Craig, Jill M and Norbert arrive,  Jill M, Susan and Wanda walk around on the beach and…….spot a crocodile ( 2 metres long ) just around the corner, he is lazily making his way in our direction, everyone is wary and keeping an eye on the water.  He makes his way around until he is about 6 metres from the shore and he stays there.  He submerges and resurfaces in theIMG_4129 same place.  We are all very wary, the women urging the men to stay back from the shore.

Most of us leave 3 ish. Dean, Karen, Wanda and Greg stay.  I was sitting here typing when Dean drives in to our camp (unusual event), he is very excited.   He has caught a SHARK!!!  There is a tale to tell as well, as he reeled the shark in the croc chased it!  It was very close to the shore when he finally landed the shark.  It looks like we will all have shark for tea.  Our guess is that it is a gummy shark.

Dean generously cut it up and all those who wanted a piece got one.  We all went back to our camps to cook it.  Hmm it was incredibly tough!!!  I have never had tough fish before.  Poor Dean was embarrassed that he had given it to us, but who was to know and it was very generous of him to share.

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