Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 9 9-8-11 Top Humbert Yard

Heard a couple of very large splashes last night Crocs?  Got up a little earlier to go back down the the gorge IMG_3757to see if we could spot crocs.  Yep! saw three, one quite large for a ‘salty’ (5 feet – sorry for the imperial).
Had a hood drive to Karadingi (Wave Hill) where most of us had showers ($5 each).  Absolute bliss.  We had lunch there and hung a round a bit which had it’s consequences later.
Drove down the Highway a bit and then got onto the Wickham track up the Mt Stanfield, then onto the Humbert track.  We were then really into 4 wheel driving country, up until then I think any vehicle could travel the roads we went on.
Driving was now very slow and we had quite way to go.  The scenery was great, as Tony says ‘magic’.  Were saw red tailed black cockatoos – very exciting, and a dingo stood right in the middle of he road daring us to challenge it.  I was able to open the door and take photograph quite easily, then it reluctantly moved off, making a ‘rumbly sort of noise’.  It later walked beside Jill and Norbert's vehicle.
It was now getting late and we were worried about making a campsite before dark (not the one we planned for) John started to make up some time, when – he gets a flat tyre.  Tony told Michael and me to  take the lead.  Stress!  We had no idea where we were to go.  Came to  river, crossed one section only to find another piece of river with no obvious exit, turned right drove up the river, WRONG WAY, had to do a U turn in the river on some rocks and try the other way, found it!  Getting darker, we find a flat area in an old stock holding pen and believe this to be the cam site, we stop, others arrive and Peter C guides the rest in.  Darker!  Not a very pleasant camp site;  barbed wire, burnt stubble, staying since it’s now too dark to move on.
Wake up, Peter C now has a flat tyre (slow leak).  The company now has had 4 flat tyres, the roads are really giving them a pounding.
Jill P takes a walk and…..discovers correct campsite 100 metres further on.  SIGH.  No one is cross with us since conditions were difficult.

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